

The Iserclose allows a partial emptying of the big bag. It is positioned under the vibrated hopper in order to stop the flow of the big bag emptying.

It is composed of pinching forks, 2 double-acting pneumatic cylinders operating symmetrically, and fixing flanges.

This system facilitates the closing of the big-bag outlet sleeve.


In certain industrial processes, the product contained in the big bag does not need to be completely emptied.

The ISERCLOSE is designed to “pinch” the outlet of the big bag through the action of 2 cylinders, reducing the diameter of the outlet until emptying stops completely, then allowing the bag to be closed. This device is mounted directly on the outlet of the bag discharger.

At rest, the position of the cylinders is always the rods retracted (with or without big bag). The operation of the ISERCLOSE is ensured by the activation of an electrovalve that allows the closing of the cylinders. The control of this electrovalve is positioned so that the operator cannot be injured by the movement of the cylinders.

The ISERCLOSE can be controlled manually or automatically.

It is usually made of stainless steel. It can also be made of carbon steel.